Le Montellier


Pictures : Florent Jadot tumblr

Website : Raf web


Many thanks to those who helped us for almost two years in bringing this house back to life: first “20.20”, (the irreplaceable), then Adou, Agathe, Agnès, André C., André T., Arthur, Céleste, Clo, Élise, Estelle, Flo, Florence, François, FX, Guillaume, Haiyen, Hubert, Hugo, Ingrid, Juju, Léo, Lola, Lolo, ma Ka, Manue, Marion, Miche, Mila, Nadine, Raphalou, Philippe, Sandrine, Sébastien, Sido, Thibault, Valens, the magnificent Valou, Vincent, Xave… and Julien, for the masonry, the expertise and relentless good mood.


To Mame and Pape, with love.

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